woman sitting by window considers what is double discrimination

What Is Double Discrimination & How Do You Cope?

People face discrimination for many reasons, but at Ascend, we know that mental health is one of the biggest hurdles teens confront when interacting with those that don’t understand mental illness. Even worse, people with mental illness often suffer from other disorders, or belong to communities that struggle with additional prejudice against them. Today, we’d…

teen planks to boost self-esteem

How to Boost Teen Self Esteem: A Practical Guide

What is self-esteem? Self-esteem has to do with a person’s opinion of themselves. It’s connected to their sense of identity, belonging in the world, and self-confidence. Some of the beliefs associated with self-esteem include feelings of competency and worth, as well as various emotional states, like shame, pride, triumph, and despair. For teens, self-esteem is…