When it comes to the treatment plans developed for your teen, you want to see measurable results. At Ascend Healthcare, we track your child’s progress through several different measures of success for mental health to ensure what we’re doing is actually working. Learn more about the scales we use to keep an eye on your teen’s advancement and what each one means for you and your child.
What Scales Do We Use?
Effective, lasting treatment plans are one of our main goals at Ascend. If something isn’t working for your child, we want to pivot immediately to a new tactic that does. As your child progresses through the different stages of treatment, we check in with them regularly through our outcome measures of success for mental health. These measurements include the Academic Resilience Scale, Self-Efficacy Questionnaire, Short Grit Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory.
Academic Resilience Scale
The Academic Resilience Scale is a measure of how quickly clients bounce back in an academic context when they are in treatment and after they have completed treatment. Academic progress is an important marker that can quickly indicate whether a treatment plan has helped your child.
Self-Efficacy Questionnaire
The Self-Efficacy Questionnaire was developed by the University of Kansas for use in outcome measurements for mental health. It evaluates a child’s belief that proficiency can grow with effort, and that they have the ability to meet goals and expectations. We can better understand your child’s confidence, independence, and motivation after they complete the questionnaire.
Short Grit Scale
The Short Grit Scale was developed by Angela Lee Duckworth, and it deals with a child’s perseverance, interest, and effort in a particular subject. Whether we’re measuring their interest in school work, passion projects, or some future goals, knowing the results here is vital for long-term success in overcoming mental health and substance use issues.
Beck Depression Inventory
The last of the measures of success for mental health we use is the Beck Depression Inventory. This measurement is a series of questions that are used to track a child’s level of depression. All questions are multiple-choice and each answer has a numerical value. Adding up the values of all the answers provides a glimpse into what your child may be feeling.
Why Use Four Measures of Success to Mental Health?
Each of our measures of success for mental health targets a slightly different aspect of how your child feels. With data from four unique sources, we gain a better understanding of their emotions that then helps us address the complex nature of their mental health.
With regular questionnaires and re-evaluations of their treatment plans, our clients find themselves progressing much more quickly than they might have expected. Because we constantly use this feedback to improve their experience, some clients may see regular changes to their treatment plans. All changes will be discussed and approved in advance.
Reach Out to Ascend Today
Whether your child is struggling to cope with difficult experiences or has turned towards substances to alleviate pain and frustration, it’s never too late to ask for help. Ascend’s admission team is always ready to take your call and schedule an evaluation with one of our clinicians.
Reach out to Ascend Healthcare today at 310.388.3713 to learn more about the disorders we treat, the type of treatment options you can expect, and what you should do after your evaluation appointment.