red haired girl hides her face because of teen depression

Understanding Teen Depression

It is difficult to wrap one’s head around the idea of teen depression. After all, we were all teenagers once, and for most of us, there was no such thing. Unfortunately, it is real. Teen depression is a mental health problem where a teenager experiences feelings of despair, sadness, hopelessness, and/or anger for a long…

teenage depression and social media

Teenage Depression and Social Media

With teens dealing with depression, social media can be a double-edged sword, and indeed in today’s world there’s even the term “social media anxiety.” Some reports say spending too much time on social media can increase teenage depression, while other reports show how social media can help if it’s used correctly. One of the conundrums…

teen rehab

Bipolar Disorder and Teen Rehab

Missy is fifteen and often experiences extreme lows and extreme highs. One day she’s in a good mood and gets along with her family, friends, and teachers, and the next she goes into explosive rages and trashes her bedroom, lashes out at her loved ones, or hides in her bedroom and seems deeply depressed. Jamey…